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eninfos@agenlaacademy.com (+237) 6964473 45 - 650471552 - 699931086


Fields / Specialties Engineering - Undergraduated

Cycle Engineer

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +5
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 5 years


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle

Admission : on file Scrutiny or Entrance Examination


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Electrical Power Engineering (IEE)GCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination
Automated Systems Engineering (ISA) GCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Building and Indistrials Constructions (BCI)GCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination
Public Work and Works GCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Telecommunications and NetworkGCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination
Software Engineering (GL)GCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination
Information System Security (SSI)GCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination
Information System Management (MSI)GCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Mecatronics Systems EngineeringGCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination
Automative Systems EngineeringGCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Mechanical and Production Construction (CMP)GCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination
Metal Construction and Industrial Piping (CMPI)GCE 'A' or equivalence
Admission : On file scrutiny or Entrance Examination

Cycle HND

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +2
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 2 years

Civil and Structural Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Building Sciences and technologyGCE 'A' Level in Sciences, or EquivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
Civil Engineering TechnlogyGCE 'A' Level in Sciences, or EquivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
TopographyGCE 'A' Level in Sciences, or EquivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
Sanitary Installation EngineeringGCE 'A' Level in Sciences, or EquivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
Wood WorksGCE 'A' Level in Sciences, or EquivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
Roads and Civil EngineeringGCE 'A' Level in Sciences, or EquivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
Real Estate MaintenanceGCE 'A' Level in Sciences, or EquivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)

Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Software EngineeringGCE "A" Level in Sciences, BAC C, D, E, F2, GCE A/L Technical or Science subjects, CAP, BEP, BT, BP in Electricity or Electronics or Electrotechnics or Mechanics or Maintenance of Biomedical Equipment.Higher National Diploma (HND) in Software engineeringEngineering
Computer Maintenance
GCE "A" Level in Sciences, BAC C, D, E, F2, GCE A/L Technical or Science subjects, CAP, BEP, BT, BP in Electricity or Electronics or Electrotechnics or Mechanics or Maintenance of Biomedical Equipment.Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computer Maintenance
Industrial Computing and Automation
GCE "A" Level in Sciences, BAC C,D,E,F2,F3,GCE A/L Technical or Science subjects,CAP,BEP,BT,BP in Electricity or Electronics or Electrotechnics or Mechanics or Maintenance of Biomedical Equipment.Higher National Diploma (HND) in Industrial Computing and Automation
Computer Graphics and Web Design
GCE "A" Level in Sciences or Arts subjects,BAC all series,GCE A/L Technical,CAP,BEP,BT,BP.Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computer Graphics and Web Design
E-commerce and Digital MarketingGCE "A" Level in Sciences or Arts subjects,BAC all series,GCE A/L Technical,CAP,BEP,BT,BP.Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computer Graphics and Web Design

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
ElectronicsGCE "A" Level in Sciences or equivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
ElectrotechnicsGCE "A" Level in Sciences or equivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
Maintenance of Industrial SystemGCE "A" Level in Sciences or equivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
Maintenance of Biomedical EquipmentGCE "A" Level in Sciences or equivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)

Information and Communication

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
GCE "A" Level in Sciences or Arts subjects,BAC all series,GCE A/L Technical,CAP,BEP,BT,BP.Higher National Diploma (HND) in Information and Communication Technology
Networks and Security
GCE "A" Level in Sciences,BAC C,D,E,F2,GCE A/L Technical,CAP,BEP,BT,BP.Higher National Diploma (HND) in Networks and Security

Mechanical Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle

Metal Construction
Baccalauréat F3, GCE A/L Technical, CAP, BEP, BT, BPHND
Mechanical Construction
Baccalauréat F1, F2, F3, GCE A/L Technical, CAP, BEP, BT, BPHND
Mechanical Manufacturing Baccalauréat F1, F2, F3, GCE A/L Technical, CAP, BEP, BT, BPHND
Boiler Making Welding
Baccalauréat F3, GCE A/L Technical, CAP, BEP, BT, BPHND

Mining and Petroleum Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Petroleum System and ExploitationGCE "A" Level in Sciences or equivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
Petroleum Logistics GCE "A" Level in Sciences or equivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)
Quarry Operations GCE "A" Level in Sciences or equivalenceHigher National Diploma (HND)


Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +2
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 2 years

Agropastoral Engineering and Renewabe Energies

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Agro-pastoral EntrepreneurshipGCE 'A' Level or EquivalenceNational Higher Diploma (HND) (MINESUP) Or Senior Agricultural Technician (STA) (MINADER) Or Double diploma : (National Higher Diploma (HND) (MINESUP) in Agro-Pastoral Entrepreneurship AND Senior Technical Entrepreneurship (STA) in Agro-Pastoral Entrepreneurship)

Cycle Bachelor

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +2
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 2 years

Agropastoral Engineering and Renewabe Energies

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Agriculture , Livesock and DerivativeFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
AgrifoodFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Agriculture ProductionFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Agropastoral EntrepreneurshipFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer

Civil Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Building Science and Public Works For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
TopographyFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
TownPlanningFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Treatment of Materials ,Architecture and Housing For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer

Computer Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Information sytem and Database For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Software Engineering For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Network and IT Security For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
E-commerce and Digital Marketing For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Web design and Mobile Application For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Electrical Engineering For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
ElectronicsFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Renewable Energies For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Maintenace of Biomedical equipmentFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer

Environmantal Sciences

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Environmental SciencesFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer

Mining and Petroleum Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Mining Environment and HydrogeologyFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
MineralurgyFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
MetallurgyFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Mining , Oil and Gas Exploitation For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Mining , Oil and Gas ExplorationFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer

Mechanical , Indistrial and Mechatronic Engineering

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Industrial Maintenance For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Mechatronics For Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Mechanical ConstructionFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Industrial DataFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer

Telecommunications and Networks

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Geomatics and GeometrologyFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer
Telecommunications and NetworksFor Professional Bachelo'rs Degree : HND , BTS , DUT or equivalence

For Professional Master's Degree : Professional Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree/

Professional Master's Degree Engineer

Fields / Specialties Business School

Cycle HND

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +2
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 2 years

Business and Finance

Field of Study / SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
AccountancyGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Banking and FinanceGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
International TradeGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Marketing Management Operations GCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)


Field of Study / SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Assistant ManagerGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Human Resource ManagementGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Logistics and Transport ManagementGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Project ManagementGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Marketing , trade and Sales GCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)

Economics science

Field of Study / SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Micro Finance GCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Banking and FinanceGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Banking and Financial InstitutionGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)

Management Sciences

Field of Study / SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Marketing management OperationsGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Human ressource Management GCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Information Sytem Management GCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Supply-chain Management GCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Human Resource ManagementGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Logistics and Transport ManagementGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Accounting and finance GCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Accounting , Audit and ControlsGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Fornsic Accounting and Criminal InvestigationGCE 'A' Level all series, BAC all series, or equivalentNational Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)

Cycle Bachelor

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +2
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 2 years

Business and Finance

Field of Study / SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at the end of Cycle
Economics SciencesHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Management SciencesHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Human Resource ManagementHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Supply-chain ManagementHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Logistics and Transport ManagementHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Accounting and FinanceHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Marketing and TradeHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Forensic Accounting and Criminal InvestigationHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree

Economics sciaence

Field of Study / SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at the end of Cycle
Banking and FinanceHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Microfinance HND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Banking and Financial StatementHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree

Management Sciences

Field of Study / SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at the end of Cycle
Marketingand TradeHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Accounting , Audit and ControlHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Acounting and Finance HND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Human Ressources managementHND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Information System Management HND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Logistics and Transport Management HND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Marketing Management Operations HND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Supply - chain Management HND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree
Forensic Accounting and Criminnal Investigations HND, BTS, DUT, Bachelor's Degree, Master's DegreeProfessional Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree

Fields / Specialties School of health Science

Cycle State registered Nurse

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +3
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 3 years

Cycle State registered Midwifery

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +3
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 3 years

State Registered Nurse

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDuration of TrainingDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
State Registered NurseBAC A, B, C, D, E, F7, F8 Information Technology (IT), GCE “A” Level (at least 2 subjects excluding religion), Technicians Diploma in Medical Secretariat, Home Economics, Industrial Chemistry
03 YearsState Registered Nurse Diploma


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDuration of TrainingDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Midwifery GCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in Medical Secretariat , Home Economics , Industrial Chemistry03 YearsMidwifery Diploma

Cycle Senior Health Technician

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +3
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 3years

Health Technicians

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Dental Care / OdontosmatologyGCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in : Medical Secretariat , Hospital and Biomeical Maintenance , Information Technology ,Industrial ChemistrySenior Health Technicians Diploma
Dental ProthesisGCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in : Medical Secretariat , Hospital and Biomeical Maintenance , Information Technology ,Industrial ChemistrySenior Health Technicians Diploma
Health Engineering Technicians GCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in : Medical Secretariat , Hospital and Biomeical Maintenance , Information Technology ,Industrial ChemistrySenior Health Technicians Diploma
Medical Analysis GCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in : Medical Secretariat , Hospital and Biomeical Maintenance , Information Technology ,Industrial ChemistrySenior Health Technicians Diploma
Optic/RefractionGCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in : Medical Secretariat , Hospital and Biomeical Maintenance , Information Technology ,Industrial ChemistrySenior Health Technicians Diploma
PharmacyGCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in : Medical Secretariat , Hospital and Biomeical Maintenance , Information Technology ,Industrial ChemistrySenior Health Technicians Diploma
PhysiotherapyGCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in : Medical Secretariat , Hospital and Biomeical Maintenance , Information Technology ,Industrial ChemistrySenior Health Technicians Diploma
Psychomotricity and RelaxationGCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in : Medical Secretariat , Hospital and Biomeical Maintenance , Information Technology ,Industrial ChemistrySenior Health Technicians Diploma
Senior Health Technicians in Medical ImagingGCE 'A' Level ( at least 2 subject including religion ) or Equivalence , Tecchnicians Diploma in : Medical Secretariat , Hospital and Biomeical Maintenance , Information Technology ,Industrial Chemistry Senior Health Technicians Diploma

Cycle Assistant Health Technicians

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +1
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 1 years

Assistant Health Technicians

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Medical AnalysesBEPC , CAP in Home Economics , CAP in medical secreariat , GCE 'O' Level in at Leat 4 subject excuding ReligionAssistant Health Technicians Diploma
PharmacyBEPC , CAP in Home Economics , CAP in medical secreariat , GCE 'O' Level in at Leat 4 subject excuding ReligionAssistant Health Technicians Diploma

Cycle HND

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +2
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 2 years

Medical and Biomedial Sciences

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Dental TherapyGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
Health Care ManagementGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
Medical Imaging TechnologyGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
Medical Laboratory SciencesGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
MidwiferyGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
NursingGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial Chimistry HND
Nutrition and DieteticsGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
Ophthalmic TechniciansGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
OpticiansGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
Pharmacy TechnologyGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
PhysiotherapyGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND
Ultra-sonographyGCE 'A' Level ( all series ) or equivalence , Diploma in Hospital Maintenance , Biomedical Sciences , Information Technology, Industrial ChimistryHND

Cycle Bachelor

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +2
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 2 years

Biomedical Sciences

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Bachelor's Degree - 3 years
Biomedical Sciences GCE 'A' Level or equivalenceProfessional Bachelor's Degree
Bachelors Degree 1 years
Biomedical SciencesHND / BTS in Medical Laboratory Sciences and or Equivalence Professional Bachelor's Degree
Master Degree 2 years
Medical BiochemistryBachelor's Degree in Biomedical / Health Sciences or Equivalence Professional Master's Degree
Medical Parasitology and MycologyBachelor's Degree in Biomedical / Health Sciences or Equivalence Professional Master's Degree
Medical Bacteriology and Virology Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical / Health Sciences or Equivalence Professional Master's Degree


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Bachelor's Degree - 3 years
PhysiotherapyGCE 'A' Level or equivalenceProfessional Bachelor's Degree
Bachelors Degree 1 years
PhysiotherapyDiploma BTS in Kinesiterapy / HND inn Physiotherap or equivalence Professional Bachelor's Degree
Master Degree 2 years
PhysiotherapyBachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences or EquivalenceProfessional Master's Degree

Medical Analysis

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Bachelor's Degree - 3 years
Medical AnalysisGCE 'A' Level or equivalenceProfessional Bachelor's Degree


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Bachelor's Degree - 3 years
NursingGCE 'A' Level or equivalenceProfessional Bachelor's Degree
Bachelors Degree 1 years
NursingDiploma of State Registered Nurse , BTS in "Sciences Infirmière '
HND in Nursing or Equivalence
Professional Bachelor's Degree
Master Degree 2 years
NursingBachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences or EquivalenceProfessional Master's Degree


Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Bachelors Degree 1 years
Midwifery HND / BTS in midwiferyProfessional Bachelor's Degree

Public Health

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Master Degree 2 years
Public HealthBachelor's Degree in Biomedical/ Health Sciences or EquivalenceProfessional Master's Degree


Clinical Biology

Field of Study/SpecialtyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Master Degree 2 years
Medical Anatomo - PathologyBachelor's Degree in Biomedical/ Health Sciences or EquivalenceProfessional Master's Degree
Medical HematologyBachelor's Degree in Biomedical/ Health Sciences or EquivalenceProfessional Master's Degree
Infectious DiseasesBachelor's Degree in Biomedical/ Health Sciences or EquivalenceProfessional Master's Degree

Fields / Specialties School of Audio - Visual Professions

Cycle HND

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +2
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 2 years

Specialties for BTS MINESUP

Field of StudyDiploma required for DismissingDiploma obtained at end of Cycle
Bag - packed JournalismGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Computed Graphics and Web DesignGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Corporate CommunicationGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
ProductionGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Archival SciencesGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
ShootingGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Multimedia graphic DesigningGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
MaintenanceGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
Transmission and BroadcastingGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)
CinematographyGCE 'A' Level or equivalence, Higher National Diploma (HND) (MINESUP)National Higher Diploma (HND) or Higher National Diploma (MINESUP)

Cycle Bachelor

Cycle :GCE-A or equivalent +2
Admission : On file scrutiny
Duration of the trainning : 2 years

Specialties for BTS MINESUP

Field of StudyDiploma required for admissionDiploma obtained at the end of Cycle
Bag - packed JournalismDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP, Plus Admission into Level 2 HND
JournalismDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP, Plus Admission into Level 2 HND
Corporate CommunicationDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP, Plus Admission into Level 2 HND
ProductionDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP, Plus Admission into Level 2 HND
ShootingDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP , Plus Admission into Level 2 HND
Audio and Sound Engineering TechniciansDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP, Plus Admission into Level 2 HND
Archival TechniquesDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP, Plus Admission into Level 2 HND
Multimedia graphic Designing and BroadcastingDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP, Plus Admission into Level 2 HND
MaintenanceDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP, Plus Admission into Level 2 HND
Transmission and CinematographyDiploma in Journalism and Web, GCE 'A' Level all series, Baccalaureate or Admission into Level 2 HND, Certificate of Professional Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOPDiploma in Journalism and Web, Qualification (DQP) - MINEFOP, Plus Admission into Level 2 HND