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Decision of the 2024-2025 ENSMIP (National School of Mines and Petroleum Industries) competitive entrance examination at the University of Maroua

Agenla Announces Decision No. 18240760 / MINESUP / SG / DAUQ / SDEAC of September 9, 2024 Signed by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education and Chancellor of Academic Orders, Professor Jacques Fame Ndongo relating to the opening of the entrance examination for the 1st year of the five (05) year Design Engineer cycle of the National Advanced School of Mines and Petroleum Industries (ENSMIP) of the University of Maroua and entry into the 1st year of the three (03) year Professional Bachelor cycle and the 4th year of the two (02) year Professional Masters degree cycle of the Bilingual Sub-Regional University Institute, Agenla Academy Yaoundé (AA) for the 2024-2025 academic year 

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