(+237) 6964473 45 - 650471552 - 699931086 (+237) 6964473 45 - 650471552 - 699931086

About us


Agenla Academy is a Private Bilingual Sub-Regional University Institute with a mission focused on Central and West Africa. It operates under the administrative authority of several ministerial departments in Cameroon, namely:

  • Ministry of Higher Education of Cameroon : Established by decree No. 13/0410/MINESUP/SG/DDES of September 10, 2013, creating the AGENLA ACADEMY Institute.
  • Ministry of Public Health of Cameroon : Following Decision No. 2828/D/MINSANTE/SG/DRH of April 8, 2022, establishing and opening our health school named “Agenla Academy Bilingual Sub-Regional University Institute.”
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development : Through the convention signed between the Ministry and Agenla Academy on July 13, 2021.
  • Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training : By Order No. 00000056/MINEFOP/SG/DFOP/SDGSF/SACD of March 1, 2021, renewing the accreditation of the “VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE AGENLA (VTIA).”


Agenla Academy is under the high authority of its Founder and benefits from the guidance of a Board of Directors responsible for steering the institution towards achieving its strategic development objectives.

Academic Expansion and Present University Status

At its inception, AGENLA ACADEMY offered several programs in various fields of study. Due to the growing demand, the range of programs has progressively expanded, necessitating an administrative restructuring in December 2018. This restructuring was formalized in correspondence referenced 18-10519/L/MINESUP/SG/DDES/ESUP/SDA/GA dated December 17, 2018, signed by the Minister of Higher Education. Following this restructuring, Agenla Academy transitioned from the status of a Higher Institute to that of a University Institute, with the new designation “Agenla Academy Bilingual Sub-Regional University Institute – Yaoundé,” encompassing six main domains of study within four main Schools.

06 Major Domains of Training

offering training in several disciplines

Mining, Petroleum and gaz

Engineering Sciences

Agronomy, Fisheries, and Veterinary Medecine

Health Science

Business and Management


Diplomas and Certifications

Each School offers a curriculum leading to the following diplomas in various specialties :

  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Engineering
  • Professional Master’s Degree
  • Professional Bachelor’s Degree
  • Higher National Diploma (HND)
  • Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (B.T.S.)
  • State Registered Nurse (IDE)
  • Midwifery Diploma
  • Senior Health Technicians Diploma (TMS)
  • Senior Agriculture Technicians Diploma (TSA)
  • Assistant Health Technicians Diploma (ATMS)

Training Programs

Agenla Academy provides a diverse range of training programs leading to certifications in various fields, as well as continuing education programs, including tailor-made training for the capacity building of professionals, executives, and company staff.

Advisory Councils

Each School at Agenla Academy has several Advisory Councils, which include numerous professionals or representatives from our partner companies. These Advisory Councils are :

  • Institutional Council
  • A General Assembly
  • Scientific Council
  • Orientation Council
  • A Department Council

Collaborations with State Universities

Agenla Academy operates with autonomous administrative management bodies and complies with current regulations by functioning under the supervision of the following State Universities :

  • University of Yaoundé I, National Advanced School of Engineering of Yaoundé (ENSPY);
  • University of Yaoundé II;
  • University of Douala, National Advanced School of Engineering of Douala (ENSPD),
  • Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Douala,
  • Higher School of Economics and Commerce (ESSEC) of the University of Douala;
  • University of N’Gaoundéré, School of Geology and Mining Exploitation (EGEM of Meiganga);
  • University of Maroua, National Advanced School of Engineering of Maroua,
  • Faculty of Mines and Petroleum of Kaélé, recently transformed into the National Advanced School of Mines and Petroleum Industries of the University of Maroua;
  • National Advanced School of Agronomy, Fisheries, and Veterinary Medicine (ENSAHV) of Yandassi,
  • University of Bamenda*.

Industry Partnerships

Each of the six main domains of study benefits from the collaboration of a group of partner companies associated with the relevant School. These companies work with the School according to a wide range of predefined partnership modalities, including :

  • Hosting students for internships within the company,
  • Recruiting graduates from the School,
  • Participation of company executives and staff in the continuing education programs offered by the School,
  • Collaboration on joint research projects,
  • Conferences and workshops led by industry experts,
  • Sponsored events, conferences, or symposiums,
  • Offering scholarships to students,
  • Establishing apprenticeship programs or mentoring initiatives.

Experiential Learning Units

Each of the six main domains of study has one or more experiential learning units linked to it, offering a privileged field for the application of the teachings provided at the School, as well as for the deployment of research and innovation activities by the teachers and their students. These units also aim to contribute to the financing of their domain, enabling the relevant School to have the most effective resources to fulfill its missions. The experiential learning units operate autonomously and sustainably. They report their economic and administrative performance to the University’s Board of Directors during extraordinary sessions dedicated to reviewing issues related to these units. The experiential learning units are grouped within a pool, overseen by a Coordinator, where all useful synergies are sought.

Business Incubator

The University also has a business incubator offering a range of support services for business creation, open to students from different Schools, who are invited to consider entrepreneurship as a preferred mode of professional integration, as well as to teachers, administrative staff, and external project holders.

Unique Educational Approach

These various provisions form a significant part of the originality of Agenla Academy’s educational project, which encourages its students to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and give a highly professional dimension to their training, inspired by the University’s own functioning.

Enrollment Expectations
The University is looking forward to enrolling approximately 1,500 new students for the 2024-2025 academic year, spread across the various programs offered by the four Schools.

Throughout this website, the Bilingual Sub-Regional University Institute – AGENLA ACADEMY, Yaoundé, is referred to as ‘the University,’ ‘Agenla Academy,’ ‘University Institute,’ or simply ‘AA.’

Mission and Vision

The University aims to promote the concept of an international professional university in Africa.


As such, the University is committed to preparing students for effective and operational careers that meet the needs of businesses within specialized training centers, through close relationships developed with relevant professional sectors, while emphasizing a broad international dimension.

These various provisions form a significant part of the originality of the University’s educational project, which encourages its students to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and give a highly professional dimension to their training, inspired by the University’s own functioning.

The University is expected to enroll approximately 1,500 new students for the 2024-2025 academic year, spread across the various programs offered by the four Schools.

Our Strenghts

  • Certification of skills in the course of training in addition to diplomas obtained;
  • Very competent Faculty (lecturers & practitioners)
  • Training methodology: Competence based approach and 50% practicals
  • Top-notch, cutting-edge equipment and laboratories in our various training sectors
  • A good range of partners in the various areas of training
  • Lessons given via Power-point presentations and video projectors
  • Personalized follow-up of students in private without additional charges (Tutoring) A modern University restaurant and infrastructure;
  • Free to and from bus shuttle between 10ème Arrêt Nkoabang and the University campus
  • Internship assured
  • Business incubator
  • Assistance in project funding
  • Campus very modern, clean, calm and secured
  • On-campus students’ lodgings and in the surrounding
  • Assistance in the professional integration of our learners
  • Possibilities to pursue studies abroad at partners institutions
  • High speed internet connection for all.
  • Recreational activities ( Football Field, Handball court, Tennis court, Volley ball court, Game room (PlayStation with big screen, Billards, Table-footBall, Table tennis, Scrabble, Monopoly, Etc. ))
  • Reserved religious space for Muslims and Christians