(+237) 6964473 45 - 650471552 - 699931086 (+237) 6964473 45 - 650471552 - 699931086

Application File

Procuring an application file

The application file can be obtained from either of our campuses in Yaoundé from Monday to Friday 8 A.M. to 6 P.M., or at GBHS Bafoussam from

Mr. Nahoussou Alfred - University regional representative.

  • 697 65 20 70
  • 677 08 39 95

The application file can equally be downloaded from this link (see Admissions). It contains the list of required documents, the deadline for applications, the site for the entrance exam, the schedule of exams, application fees and tuition fees.


The deadline for applications is the Tuesday before the exam session chosen by the applicant, and the application file must be submitted before 6 P.M.

The application file can be submitted in the following places:

  • University Main Campus, located in Nsa Zomo through 10e Arret (Between Biteng and Nkoabang), or via the junction by Father Monti Catholic Bilingual College, Yaounde.
  • Annex University Campus located in Bastos / Nkol Eton, montee Moto Georges, entrance of Meumi Hotel, Yaounde
  • The secondary school institutions that have a partnership agreement with the University (in this case, the deadline for submitting applications is the Monday before the entrance examination session selected by the candidate before 12 noon).

Partner institutions

AGENLA University has a partnership agreement with each of the following secondary school institutions :

GBHS Bafoussam, GTHS Nkolbisson, GBHS Ekounou, GTHS Ekounou, Intelligentsia Cognitive, Frantz Fanon College, Queensway International College, Collège de Pythagore, Collège bilingue Horeb, Complexe bilingue La Solidarité, Institut ITAMBE, Collège MBE, Institut PETOU, Collège Frantz Fanon, GHS Abang Nkongoa, GCHS Mfou, Genius Trilingual College, GTHS Mfou, College Marie-Albert prestige, Collège Marie-Albert 2, Amasia Bilingual School Complex.


of the application files for each high school.

The School of Engineering

The School of Social Sciences, Business and Management

The School of Health Sciences

The School of Audiovisual Media